Thank you for a great year of Adult Education classes! Adult Ed will be taking a break over the summer while our incredible instructors relax and prepare for our upcoming Fall programs. This time also allows the school maintenance staff to prepare the buildings for another great year hosting children during the day and adults in the evenings. For residents of Sharon, look for our Fall Adult Education brochure to hit your mailboxes in August. We also make brochures available at Sharon Public Library, Town Hall, and of course at Community Education located at Sharon High School.
If your looking for online career skills or training, visit our Online Courses and Career Training page to look through our extensive catalog of courses. These classes run all year with new sessions beginning monthly!
Our Adult Ed programs are also available to residents of surrounding towns. If you have not yet enrolled in one of our programs but would like to be notified when registration for the Fall programs become available, please complete the form below to join our email list!