Before/After Care and Lounge Registration Opens January 29th!
Registration for Before Care, After Care, and the Middle School Lounge for the 2021/2022 school year opens on Friday, January 29th at 9:00 am! For more information visit Before and After School Care or The Lounge (Grades 6-8) pages.
Summer Camp Registration Opens January 29th!
Registration for STAR and CREATE 2021, opens on Friday, January 29th at 9:00 AM. Due to capacity limitations, we advise registering early. To learn more about these programs please visit the STAR Camp page and the CREATE Camp page.
Adult Education is Back!
Adult Education is back and open for registration! We have carefully selected programs that will be enjoyable and engaging in a virtual format due to continued social distancing as well as health and safety guidelines. To expand our educational programming, we have partnered with online educational content provider: Ed2go has an impressive selection of programming for people looking for career advancement or training for a new career. There is truly something for everyone! To get started, click the brochure to view our digital copy which allows you to complete registration by clicking the course titles. You can also learn more by visiting our Adult Education Page.
After School Care COVID Plan
Community Education-After School Care Covid Plan
Philosophy: Community Education is committed to providing children with a safe and nurturing place to grow and develop alongside their peers.
This document outlines the procedures that we will be following during the COVID-19 pandemic. It does not replace our current policies and procedures but is a supplement to that document. As the nature of the virus is uncertain, communication with families is essential to ensure every precaution is taken to protect all lives. This document is based on what is currently known about COVID-19 transmission and was written with guidance from the CDC and ACA, and taking into account the policies and procedures of the Sharon Public Schools.
Part I: Cleaning
Part II: Screening
Part III: Isolation and Discharge of Sick Children and Staff
Part IV: Food safety
Part V: Student and Family Expectations
Part VI: Social Distancing
Community education’s after school program will follow all the same cleaning procedures and protocols that are followed during the school day. In addition they will intensify the program’s frequency of routine cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting practices.
General Cleaning, Sanitizing and Disinfecting:
- Frequently touched objects and surfaces, including doorknobs, bathrooms and sinks, keyboards, desks and railings will be properly cleaned, sanitized, or disinfected at a minimum of two times per session. We will utilize a checklist to be used on a daily basis to record the cleanings done.
- Staff will clean and disinfect all materials, sports equipment, games, tools, furniture, and other equipment after each use.
- Items will be assigned to individuals or cohort groups to reduce the quantity of items shared.
- Staff will wear gloves while cleaning and disinfecting and will wash their hands afterwards, whether or not gloves are used.
- Alcohol-based wipes or sprays containing at least 70% alcohol will be used to clean electronics and be allowed to air dry.
Cleaning, Sanitizing, and Disinfecting Indoor Play Areas:
- Staff will clean and disinfect toys, games, electronics, furniture, and other equipment after each use. We will remove the objects in our inside rooms, unless it is the individual group’s items.
- Children’s books, like other paper-based materials such as mail or envelopes, are not considered a high risk for transmission. Books and other paper-based materials will be regularly inspected and will dispose of books or other paper-based materials that are heavily soiled or damaged.
- Machine washable cloth toys will be removed from programs until further notice.
- All communal water, sand, and sensory tables will be removed or closed to use until further notice.
Cleaning, Sanitizing, and Disinfecting Outdoor Play Areas:
- High touch surfaces made of plastic or metal, including play structures, tables and benches, will be properly cleaned, sanitized, or disinfected between school day and after school program.
- Outdoor play areas will continue to remain off limits to the public and will be limited to one group at a time.
Food Preparation Areas and Eating:
- Tables, chairs, and trays used for snacks will be cleaned and sanitized by staff before and after use.
- Snacks may be brought in from home.
- In cases where food is to be provided, it will be pre-packaged and ready to serve for individuals.
- Sharon Public Schools Food Services staff will be providing any and all snacks served in the program.
- All food contact surfaces, equipment, and utensils will be cleaned and disinfected before each use and after each use.
- Staff will follow label directions for FOOD CONTACT SURFACES when using the chemical near or on utensils and food contact surfaces.
Resources and Supplies:
Only EPA-registered disinfectants and sanitizers will be used against COVID-19.
- Staff will follow directions on the label, including ensuring that the disinfectant or sanitizer is approved for that type of surface (such as food-contact surfaces or one of the options below if an EPA-registered disinfectant is unavailable.)
- A dilute bleach solution can be used:
- Mix 1/3 cup of household bleach to 1 gallon of water OR 4 teaspoons of bleach per quart of water.
- Bleach solutions will be made within 24 hours of use.
- A 70% alcohol solution can be used.
- Children will never be present when solutions are being prepared.
- All solutions will be prepared in well ventilated areas.
- All sanitizing and disinfecting solutions will be labeled properly to identify the contents, stored in appropriate containers and kept out of the reach of children, and stored separately from food items.
- Only single use, disposable paper towels shall be used for cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting. Sponges shall not be used for sanitizing or disinfecting.
- All cleaning procedures and protocols will be reviewed by the Sharon Public Schools Director of Facilities Anthony Kopacz.
COVID-19 Director for After Care: Erin McCabe-Youth Program Coordinator
Lead Instructor Cottage: Denise Davila
Lead Instructor East: Dan Santangelo
Lead Instructor Heights: Maureen England
Lead Instructor Lounge: Jon Warriner
Designated Director and Lead Instructor are responsible for monitoring inventory for all necessary cleaning supplies and personal protective equipment (PPE), including but not limited to: soap, EPA-approved disinfectants, hand sanitizer, gloves, masks, paper towels, and signage.
- The [COVID Director/Lead Instructor] will be responsible for refilling containers of disinfectant, monitoring supply levels of all cleaning supplies, restocking and reordering supplies.
- If bleach solutions are being used the Sharon Public Schools custodial staff will be responsible for daily mixing and distribution of bleach and water dilutions.
- Bleach and water dilutions will be freshly mixed every 24 hours to ensure their ability to safely sanitize or disinfect.
- The [COVID Director/Lead Instructor] will ensure that bleach used at the program is intended for disinfection, and ensure the product is not past its expiration date.
- The [COVID Director/Lead Instructor] will ensure that the ventilation system is operating properly in all buildings used by the program. They will report any air quality issue to the Director of Facilities immediately.
Proper Usage of Cleaning Supplies:
All staff will be trained in the appropriate use of all disinfecting and sanitizing supplies.
- All chemicals will be kept out of the reach of children both during storage and in use. All chemicals will be stored in a locked closet or compartment that is accessible to staff only.
- Staff will use all cleaning products according to the directions on the label. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for concentration, application method, and contact time for all cleaning and disinfection products.
- To ensure effective cleaning and disinfecting, surfaces will be cleaned with soap and water first, then disinfect using a diluted bleach solution, alcohol solution with at least 70% alcohol, or an EPA- approved disinfectant for use against the virus that causes COVID-19. Cleaning first will allow the disinfecting product to work as intended to destroy germs on the surface.
- Staff will allow surfaces and equipment to air dry after sanitizing or disinfecting.
- Staff will make sure there is adequate ventilation when using sanitizing and disinfecting solutions.
- Students will be moved to another area away from where a chemical is being used so as to not trigger acute symptoms in children with asthma or other respiratory conditions.
- Staff will carefully supervise children to ensure that they are not able to touch the surface until it is completely dry.
- Chemicals will be kept in their original containers. If this is not possible, the alternate container will be labeled to prevent errors.
- Staff will not mix chemicals as doing so can produce a toxic gas.
Cleaning, Sanitizing, and Disinfecting After a Potential Exposure in Day Programs:
If Community Education’s after school program suspects a potential exposure:
- The areas visited by the ill persons will be closed off.
- Building Principal and Director of Facilities will be notified immediately.
- Outside doors and windows will be opened and ventilating fans used to increase air circulation in the area.
- The area will be unoccupied for at least 24 hours before disinfection and cleaning.
- Alternative space will be used while the areas are out of use.
- Designated cleaning staff will clean and disinfect all areas such as classrooms, bathrooms, common areas, shared electronic equipment (e.g., tablets, touch screens, keyboards) used by the ill persons, focusing especially on frequently touched surfaces.
Additional Considerations:
Staff and student clothing and masks must not be worn again until after being laundered.
General Screening
To minimize the spread of COVID-19, staff will continually monitor themselves and students for and signs of symptoms of illness. Students or staff who appear ill or are exhibiting signs of illness will be immediately separated from the group and isolated until able to leave the program.
Screening and Monitoring Staff and Children
Students and staff are required to take part in daily health screening via the Sharon Public Schools Screening tools. Screening and pre- screening procedures are listed below. All health check responses during visual and verbal screening will be recorded and maintained on file.
Prior to coming to aftercare families should screen their children for the following symptoms:
- Fever of 100.0 or above,
- Cough,
- Shortness of breath,
- Gastrointestinal symptoms,
- New loss of taste/smell,
- Muscle aches, or
- Any other symptoms that feel like a cold. Anyone with the symptoms above or any other signs of illness may not attend aftercare.
Monitoring Throughout the Day
Staff will be trained to monitor students and themselves. They will monitor each student throughout the length of the program for the above symptoms If at any time they or a student experience these symptoms they will contact the lead instructor, remove themselves from the group and isolate in the health care area of the program.
Daily Attestation
Every staff member must daily sign a written declaration that no member of the household has had contact with COVID-19, has COVID-19 symptoms (e.g., fever, sore throat, cough, shortness of breath, loss of smell or taste, or diarrhea), or that they have not taken medicine to lower a fever.
Refusal of Screening
Sharon Community Education reserves the right to refuse entrance to any participant or family who does not take part in the daily screening before entering the program.
Failed Health Screening
If an individual is exhibiting symptoms during the health screening, they cannot enter the program and must return home. They cannot return to the program until symptoms abate.
If the symptoms include:
- A fever of 100F or above, they cannot return to the program unless they have had at least three days of no fever without taking medication to reduce fever during that time.
- Any respiratory symptoms (cough and shortness of breath), they cannot return to the program unless it has improved for at least 24 hours.
Absent Staff or Students
Staff or students are to notify the Community Education office 781-784-1574, if they are absent. Absenteeism of students and staff will be recorded in the daily screening. The Community Education office will monitor the absentee rate to identify any trends in employee or student absences due to illness, as this might indicate spread of COVID-19 or other illness.
Part III: Isolation and Discharge of Sick Children and Staff
Isolation Protocols
To minimize the spread of COVID-19, staff will continually monitor themselves and students for any symptoms of illness. Students or staff who appear ill or are exhibiting signs of illness will be immediately separated from the group and isolated until able to leave the program.
- If a student appears to be ill or informs the staff member that they are not feeling well, the staff member will immediately walk the student to the isolation area. Another staff member will stay with the group.
- Staff will immediately radio the lead instructor to advise them of the situation and request for an additional staff member if necessary.
- The lead instructor will call the parent or guardian to pick their child up as soon as possible.
- A staff member will stay with the student in the isolated area, or within sight, until they are picked up by the parent or guardian.
- Staff will follow the same procedures if they are the ones experiencing symptoms.
Isolation Area
If a student or staff needs to be isolated from the rest of the program, they will immediately proceed to the area designated for this purpose. Staff will be trained on where these areas are located.
The space will be:
- Separated from all students and staff by six feet or more.
- The space will be a room that can be closed off from all other activity with good airflow and/or the ability to open windows. It will have access to a separate bathroom and running water.
- The bathroom will not be used by students or any other staff when in use. Signs will designate that the area is off limits until further notice.
- The isolation area and the bathroom used will be closed 24 hours or as long as practical after use and then cleaned and sanitized.
Discharge from the Program
Once the parent or guardian arrives to pick up, they will wait in their vehicle and call the program office to let them know that they have arrived. The isolated person and staff member monitoring them will walk out to the waiting vehicle.
In the event a program experiences an exposure, the COVID-19 Director will notify the:
- Family of the individual will be called immediately to arrange pick-up.
- School principal and Superintendent.
- All employees and families involved in that session or any other sessions the individual was a part of in the previous 14 days.
Confidentiality will be maintained in all communications.
Self-Isolating Following Potential Exposure
If a student or staff member has been exposed to COVID-19, whether they are symptomatic or asymptomatic, the exposed person will not be permitted in the program space and will be sent home.
- Exposed individuals must remain home for at least 14 days after last contact with the sick individual.
- If anyone in a student or staff members household tests positive for COVID- 19, staff and children must remain home for at least 14 days from exposure.
- If an individual tests positive for COVID-19 but is asymptomatic, they can return to the program after 10 days. Positive or Probable Case of COVID-19 If exposed staff, or child tests positive or probable for COVID-19:
- They must stay home for a minimum of 10 days from the onset of symptoms, AND
- be fever free, without fever reducing medications for at least 72 hours, AND
- show significant improvement from COVID-19 symptoms.
Sharon Community Education will abide by additional isolation release instructions from our Sharon Board of Health.
Part IV: Food safety
- All food activities outside of snack (i.e. a craft using food or ice cream social) will be eliminated.
- To promote physical distancing and to minimize potential spread of infection, snack times will be held outside as much as possible.
- If snack times must be held indoors due to inclement weather individuals will be physically distanced from each other.
- Children and adults will distance themselves while masks are removed for eating.
- Staff provide visual markers to help children physically distance themselves whenever possible.
- Sharon Community Education will provide a snack that is pre-packaged and ready to serve for individuals.
- Snacks may be brought from home in the case of allergies or dietary restrictions.
*Tables and chairs used for meals will be cleaned and sanitized before and after use.
Part V: Student and Family
Student Groupings
Students will stay together with those in their school-designated cohort for their entire session. Students will have limited or no interactions between other groups, other staff, and other families. Staff will not float between groups either during the day or from day-to-day, unless needed to provide supervision of specialized activities or to provide staff with breaks. Materials and equipment will be sanitized after each use and will only be used by one group per day.
Children with Special Needs
Before participation in the program, staff will reach out to parents/guardians of students with special needs to discuss new protocols and how the program may best help their child to adhere as close as possible to the health and safety requirements. Students with special needs may be unable to comply with face covering because of intellectual, behavioral, or sensory issues. To minimize risk of infection students must maintain physical distancing practices and staff must wear masks at all times when working with children without masks.
Wearing a Mask
To slow the spread of COVID-19 wearing masks or cloth face coverings are required throughout the program day.
Students should come to the program each day with two masks. One mask will be kept in a Ziplock bag and kept in the child’s bag unless the first mask is lost or becomes dirty.
- Extra masks will be available if the child needs them.
- Families should have a plan for routine cleaning of masks and face coverings.
- When children can be safely kept at least 6 feet away from others, they may take a mask break.
- Masks will not be worn while children are eating/drinking.
- Family members and other adults must wear face masks when on the premises and at all times during drop-off and pick-up.
- Children and staff will wash their hands often, making sure to wash all surfaces of their hands (e.g., front and back, wrists, between fingers). Hands should be washed with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and students and staff should wash hands whenever the following criteria are met:
- Upon entry into and exit from program space;
- When coming in to the program space from outside activities;
- Before and after eating;
- After sneezing, coughing or nose blowing;
- After toileting;
- After touching or cleaning surfaces that may be contaminated;
- After using any shared equipment like toys, computer keyboards, mouse;
- After contact with facemask or cloth face covering;
Handwashing Facilities
Handwashing facilities with soap, water, and disposable paper towels will be readily accessible to all students and staff. Handwashing instructions will be posted near every handwashing sink and where they can easily be seen by students and staff. Staff will monitor to ensure that hand washing stations are adequately stocked with the necessary supplies.
If a sink with soap and water is not available, students and staff will be provided with hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
Part VI: Social Distancing
- Staff will maintain a distance of at least 6 feet between participants and limiting contact between individual students and groups of students.
- Physical Distancing will be practiced during transitions, snack time, and all games and activities.
Activities that require staff support, or close contact will not be permitted
Families will have designated pick up points to provide the straightest route to accessing their child.
All pick up will be done by the same parent/guardian.
High touch materials will be reduced or will be increased in supply to reduce sharing of the supplies.
When possible, students will be assigned their own items for the duration of the program
If individual items are not possible, items will be limited to one group at a time and disinfected between each use.
Drinking fountains that require contact for use will be closed. Touchless drinking fountains and water bottle filler will be used for filling cups, water bottles, or other receptacles.