There’s still time to register! Click on the interactive digital brochure to see what’s coming up! To keep up to date on all of our programs, visit our Adult Education page!
Term Two Enrichment Begins in January
Term Two of Enrichment begins in January after winter break. If your child is enrolled in one of our programs, please make sure you have received confirmation emails which include important program details and if waivers are necessary, that these are completed and returned to Dan Santangelo at by December 23rd. Paper forms can also be dropped off to the Community Education office at 77 Pond St., Sharon. There is a drop box affixed to the front of the building for forms left after hours.
Enrichment Brochure Term 2-21_22
Adult Education Program Update: Trees and Shrubs of Southern New England
Trees and Shrubs of Southern New England has been changed from a 6 class course to two one day classes!
Our Trees and Shrubs of Southern New England classes taking place at Moose Hill Wildlife Sanctuary have been broken down into two, one day classes!
Trees and Shrubs of Southern New England *Fall Foliage*: Tour Moose Hill Wildlife Sanctuary to identify the trees indigenous to this area and marvel at their colorful leaves! This class will be held on Sunday, October 17th from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. Click HERE to learn more and register.
Trees and Shrubs without Leaves: Tour Moose Hill Wildlife Sanctuary to identify and learn about the indigenous species once their leaves have fallen in preparation for the cold winter months. This class will be held on Sunday, November 14th from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. Click HERE to learn more and register.
View our updates to the Middle School Lounge Program
Due to our current enrollment and staffing for the Lounge Program, students will be transported from the Middle School to Heights Elementary each afternoon after dismissal. Students in the Lounge program will have their own dedicated space within the school. Normal services and operation of the Lounge will not be affected. Parents will be required to pick their child up at Heights Elementary (454 S. Main St.) by 6:00 pm instead of at Sharon Middle School. For additional information regarding our policies and protocols, please visit our Middle School Lounge page.
Fall After School Enrichment is open for registration!
After School Enrichment is back!
It’s time for the kids to go back to school! This also means that Community Education’s after school Enrichment programs are back! All of our programs are in person and we are bringing program transportation back! We are following the school’s and outside facilities COVID guidelines as well as requiring masks to be worn by all while transporting students. Click the book to view our Term One offerings.