Thank you to everyone who helped to make 2017 a wonderful year at Community Education. We are looking forward to 2018. Adult Ed brochures will be mailed the week of December 18 and registration will start immediately. Before care and After care, STAR Camp and CREATE will all be going out in mid January.
NO AFTER CARE December 14
After Care will be closed on December 14 so that our staff can participate in a professional development workshop. December 14 is also an early release day for all Sharon Schools. Please mark your calendars to make arrangements for your child’s care, as there will not be early release care or after care on this day.
Invoices have gone out
Before and After Care invoices have gone out for the month of September. There were some glitches with the new system on the first day, but everything is working smoothly now.
Thank you for a Wonderful Summer
To all our families, thank you! We had a great summer working and playing with your children. We hope to see you nest year. Please let us know if you have any suggestions for how to improve our programs, we are always open to hearing from families.
Week Five newsletter and CREATE Happenings
All are invited to attend this Friday’s free production of School House Rocks at 1:00pm at the Sharon Middle School.