School year wrap-up; Summer kick-off
While we are working to wrap-up the school year, we are also preparing for the start of summer. We are still taking registrations for some days in next year’s before and after school programs. Currently there is still space in Before CAre on Fridays, at East, and all days at Heights. Cottage is full. After Care there is space at East and Heights, Cottage is full. Call now to be placed on the waiting list.
Limited space is still available in our STAR Camp, and in both sessions of our C.R.E.A.T.E program. If you are still looking to make summer plans, our camps and programs are affordable and filled with FUN!
Carol Burnett Tickets-Reduced Price
Do not miss out on this once in a lifetime opportunity to see one of America’s icons. Carol Burnett is a television and comedy pioneer. You can see her live in her one woman show this Sunday May 22, 2016 at the Providence Performing Arts Center, at 4:00 PM. Transportation to and from Sharon is included in the now reduced $55 ticket price.
Registration Information
Today May 6, 2016 is the last day to register for Before and After care and Summer programs without paying the registration fee. Starting Monday May 9, 2016 there is a $50 registration fee for all programs.
AS of right now the following days and programs are full. Before Care at East on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. Cottage Before Care on Tuesdays.
Summer Camp Registration
Now accepting registration for all summer camps, after and before care, and a few of our late April and May adult ed classes, and our NEW 6th and 8th Grade Transitions Programs.