Sharon Community Education is now hiring for the following positions:
Registration for 2016-2017 and Summer
Forms for After Care and Before Care and Summer programs now available. See headings on right hand side of page for registration forms.
C.R.E.A.T.E Camp registration will open Thursday January 14 at 5 PM. Go to to register.
Heights November After Care Newsletter
Excitement has been building all fall as After-care players from Cottage St. and Heights look forward to their annual football game upcoming on the afternoon of December 1st! This event is the culmination of many weeks of hard work and practice by both teams, and this year, Cottage St will once again play host to their cross-town rivals from Heights.
Last year, the Cottage St. Cougars stopped Heights in a 21-0 shutout as their tough defense completely closed down the Heights scoring machine. This year, Team Heights has been busy practicing for their upcoming re-match, which should prove both interesting and exciting for all.
Special thanks to the coaching staff of Cottage St, Mr. Denneno and Mr. Jenson, as well as to Mr. Nadeau and Mr. Vigorito from Heights for overseeing these young players through many hours of practice leading up to the game.
- If you know your child will not be attending aftercare on their assigned day please contact Barbara Coyne at the Office 781-784-1574
- Please make sure that your child is dressed appropriately for the playground and all outdoor activities.
- If your child is on the “no photo” list and you would like to start receiving the Visual Newsletter please send in a note that states you would like your child to be removed from the “no photo” list.
- Early Release: Monday, December 14th- Bubble Mania
- No School: Thursday, December 24th-January 1st
*To receive updates or reminders via text or email please ask the desk person for the informational sheet.*