The tuition is based on a yearly enrollment fee (180 days), which is divided into ten equal payments and due the first of each month:
5 Days = $1,100 total; $110.00 per pay period
4 Days = $880 total; $88.00 per pay period
3 Days = $660 total; $66.00 per pay period
2 Days = $440 total; $44.00 per pay period
The tuition is based on a yearly enrollment fee (179 days), which is divided into ten equal payments and due the first of each month:
5 Days =$3,700 total; $370.00 per pay period
4 Days =$2,950 total; $295.00 per pay period
3 Days =$2,250 total; $225.00 per pay period
2 Days =$1,500 total; $150.00 per pay period
A. A $50 non-refundable registration fee per child is required with each enrollment. This fee is waived for completed paperwork submitted prior to noon on Aug 1.
B. First month’s tuition is due at the time of registration.
C. All who register prior to the week before school starts, will be able to begin their participation with the After-School Care Program on the first day of school, if we have not reached our capacity before that date. Any registration submitted after a week before school starts is made with the understanding that the earliest the child(ren) may begin the program is one week after all registration is received, and on a space available basis.
D. When enrollment limits are reached, waiting lists will be established if all our space is filled regardless of date, and parent(s)/guardian(s) will be notified if openings arise.
E. Tuition has been established for the ten (10) month period, September through June, and has been divided equally over that time in the tuition schedule.
F. Neither financial reimbursement, nor credit, will be given for a child’s absence due to: emergency days; family trips; illness; religious events; snow days; vacations; or failure to make full use of the program.
G. In the event a child becomes totally unable to participate in the Before-School Care or After- School Care Program due to illness, disability or otherwise, upon written request Community Education may refund or abate tuition fees. Tuition fees will not be refunded in the case of a child’s absence, delayed attendance, early departure, or withdrawal from the program.
H. In the event a student enrolls for classes in the Sharon Public Schools’ Enrichment Program, neither credit nor adjustment will be given to either After-School Care or Enrichment tuition.
I. The Sharon Public Schools’ Before-School or After-School Care Program reserves the right to terminate a child’s participation in the program if there is a delinquent tuition balance in excess of 30 days.
J. If a student has an outstanding tuition balance, he/she will not be eligible to participate in any other Community Education Programs, e.g. Early Release Day Activities, Enrichment Programs, Family Trips, Summer Programs.
K. Tuition in arrears of 60 days or more will result in a referral to legal counsel to begin collection proceedings.
L. There is a $5 late payment fee for all tuition payments not received on time. Three late payments may result in termination from the program.
M. Parents/Guardians occasionally find it necessary to register their children for additional Before-School and After-School Care Program days. Because it may be necessary to obtain supplemental staff, a minimum of one-week’s notification is required. Payment of $22.00 per day for After-School and $6.50 per day for Before-School, for any extra day(s) must be made in advance. It is very important that parent(s)/guardian(s) notify their child’s classroom teacher in writing, as to what days their child will attend the After-Care Program in general, as well as any additional days, change of plans, or attendance. This accommodation is dependent upon available space. In the event that a week’s notice is not possible, we will offer emergency care at the rate of $35 for After-Care and $12 for Before Care. Emergency care may only be used twice in a school year.
N. Schedule changes for attendance commitment must be given a minimum of one-week’s notice. Please use email to communicate all changes. You are financially obligated for the first pay period, even if there are changes in your child’s schedule. Two or more changes to your child’s schedule will result in a schedule change fee of $25 per change.
O. For After-School Care our staff workday concludes at 6:00 PM, as they too have personal and home obligations and must be free to leave at the agreed upon time. Nevertheless, a staff member will remain with your child if you are late. Regrettably though we must impose a “Late Fee,” regardless of the circumstances creating the delay, so that we can appropriately compensate our staff. Parents failing to comply with the 6:00 PM pick-up schedule, will be assessed an additional $5.00 for each five (5) minute interval after the first five (5) minute (one time only) grace period. You will be billed for these additional charges.
P. Parent(s)/Guardian(s) who are significantly late four times, that is twenty minutes or more, will be subject to the removal of their child(ren) from the After-School Program. Parent(s)/Guardian(s) who are late six times will be subject to the removal of their child(ren).
Q. Tuition assistance is available on a limited basis, depending on financial eligibility. Qualification is based on the Federal Guidelines regarding Free and Reduced lunch. Parent(s)/Guardian(s) must provide a copy of the approval form with your registration material. All information is confidential.
R. The Tax I.D. number for the Town of Sharon is: 046 001 295. Please make note of this for your records.