Parent(s)/guardian(s) are responsible for providing transportation to Before- School Care and home from After-Care at the end of the day at 6:00 PM. It is important that your child is picked up on time. Those parent(s)/guardian(s) picking up their children after the five (5) minute (one time only) grace period will be subject to additional fees. (Refer to our Financial Obligations section, O). Children are released only to those listed on their Community Pass Account. Proof of identification is required.
You must notify the Community Education Office each time your child will be absent from our program. Please call 781-784-1574 before 2:30 PM to report the absence. Many parents wrongly assume that by notifying the school we will also be told of the absence. For every child we do not see on their assigned day we must confirm their whereabouts. Precious time is wasted in locating students who we were not told in advance would be absent or dismissed. In the event of a true missing child we need every second to locate the child.
The Community Education Office must have up to date contact information during the term of the child’s enrollment in the program. This would include changes in home or work telephone, as well as those people authorized to pick-up your child(ren). Changes can be updated online in your Community Pass Account.
In case of illness or serious injury, parent(s)/guardian(s) will be contacted by using the telephone numbers recorded on the student’s Registration Form. If a parent/guardian cannot be reached, we will contact the people listed as an emergency contact. Children will be released only to those individuals listed on that form unless other arrangements are made by the parent(s)/guardian(s).
In an emergency situation where parent(s)/guardian(s) cannot be reached, the child’s doctor will be consulted when possible. If the emergency is life threatening, the child will be transported to the nearest hospital and parent(s)/guardian(s) notified as soon as we can make contact.
Our staff members will administer simple first aid for minor injuries, e.g. bruises, bumps, cuts, and scrapes. Our staff has been trained CPR and First-Aid, Epi-Pen, AED, Choking, and Stop The Bleed. Any accidents or applications of First-Aid will be reported on an Accident Report. Parents will be asked to sign the report and then will immediately be given a copy of the report.
Parent(s)/Guardian(s) are encouraged to arrange distribution of medications so that their child can take the required dosage during regular school hours. EPI-PENs and inhalers must be sent to our Before and After-School Care Supervisor, regardless of whether the same medication has been submitted to a school nurse. We do not have access to the school health office after regular school hours. Children subject to anaphylactic reactions due to bee stings or other allergies must bring EPI-PENs to be kept with us at school, with special instructions by the attending physician for its administration. Only in an emergency situation will our trained staff be permitted to use the EPI-PEN on previously DIAGNOSED children.
Parent(s)/Guardian(s) of children with allergies must submit a complete list of substances, including food, which trigger allergic reactions, and a written description of the type of reaction usually experienced. The list will be shared with appropriate staff members to help limit exposure.
If a child is absent from school, or sent home early due to illness, then similar to procedure for after school sport activities, the child will not be able to attend the After-School Program later on that same day.
In the case of fire or other emergencies, children will be evacuated from school buildings in accordance with the fire drill plans posted in each room.
Sharon Public Schools is an ALICE district. In the event of a violent critical incident, we will follow ALICE protocol. A copy of the School Department Emergency Response Plan can be found on the Sharon Public Schools website.
A. All Community Education Programs including Before-School Care, After-School Care, are CANCELED on “SNOW DAYS” and for other system-wide emergencies. There will be NO Community Education Programs when school has been canceled.
B. Because some of our Enrichment Programs are held in locations other than school, Enrichment classes may still be held. Check the Community Education website to find out if class is held.
C. During the regular school day, if students are dismissed early from their elementary school due to a storm, impending storm, or other emergency, there will be After-School Care as soon as the children are released to us until 4:00 PM, unless the Superintendent determines that for safety reasons we close at an earlier time.
D. In the event of an impending storm or other emergency while After-Care programs are in session, we will stay with your child until you arrive.
E. In the event of a school opening delay, Before-School Care will also be delayed. If school is delayed an hour, Before-School Care will open at 8:15 AM, if a 90 minute delay the program will open at 8:45 AM, a two hour delay and the program will open at 9:15 AM.
F. Should you decide not to send your child to a program due to inclement weather or for any other reason including illness, early dismissal, appointments, family trips etc., it is imperative for you to notify the Community Education Office directly at (781) 784-1574. Informing your child’s teacher, nurse, or their school office, will not guarantee that the message will be forwarded to us. Parent(s)/guardian(s) making arrangements to have someone other than themselves pick up their child must contact the Community Education Office at (781) 784-1574. All emergency telephone numbers and the names of contact people for your child should be kept current, e.g. employment changes.
G. Parent(s)/guardian(s) making arrangements to have someone other than themselves pick up their child must update their online transportation release. All emergency telephone numbers
H. Official school cancellation announcements will be communicated via text, email, and/or phone call to the contact information we have on file.